PrestaShop Show Weight On Product Page Module

. It works with your currrent localization settings and displays the correct weight unit for your store. 0. 6. 3. x. It will only display the weight if it is set on product admin, if the weight is 0 n...
This was description of the Show Weight On Product Page PrestaShop addon
Show the weight of product on store front product page. This module will display the weight of your product on the front office product page. It works with your currrent localization settings and displays the correct weight unit for your store. If zero weight is entered nothing is displayed on the front office. It works on Prestashop versions 1.3.x.x -> 1.6.x.x Only shows the weight for the main product, does not yet work with combinations & accessories.   Displays the product weight enterend in the back office on the front office product page. It works with your currrent localization settings and displays the correct weight unit for your store. Tested working on all prestashop version from all the way to It will only display the weight if it is set on product admin, if the weight is 0 nothing will display.



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