This module provides the ability to visitors or potential customers to ask a question or several questions about a product to customers who have bought this product
It can automatically boost the customer experience feedback by encouraging them to participate in the community.
The module also improves the sales trader's business since a product with customer comments wind is much more easily.
In addition it allows retain current customers by creating a coupon valid Incentive on your order.
Managing Customer Questions
See the list of questions
Filter the list (date, product, question, moderate)
Enable / Disable to send automacly the question (if moderation)
Published / NO the question on the product page when there is an answer.
View the number of clients who received the question
Sends e-mail to administrator and buyer of the product.
Managing Client Answers
See the list of admin answers
Filter the list (date, moderate opinion questioner published)
Enable / Disable to send automacly the answers(if moderation)
Published / NO the answer on the product page
Feed of the questioner (eg I found this answer helpful? YES / NO)
Sends email to administrator and questioner.
Enable / disable administrator approval for questions.
Enable / disable administrator approval for the answers.
Enable / disable auto-publishing questions and answers on the product page.
Select who can ask questions (eg, only registered users).
Choosing the max number of customers will received the question .
Choosing the maximun purchase period by days
(eg, the question is sent to the customer who purchased the product max 182 days ago)
Select the groups who can answer questions
Exclude clients id / email
Choosing the display by category / product.
Management of vouchers (serves to motivate customers answer questions)
Enable / disable vouchers
Specify the max number of clients that can receive a voucher
(eg Generate voucher for first X answers)
Cumulable voucher YESÂ / NO
Voucher value
Reduction type % / currency
Voucher validity period
Minimum cart amount
Shipping included YES / NO
Change Over / Under Type
Options of the questioner:
Sending one form by product
Possibility to stop receving answer to his question
Edit product parameters
Display / NO the answers in slide.
Published / NO Â questions and answers
About user
Statistics of the most active customers
Manage unsuscription customers (buyer)
display a check box in creation account form (to ask the new customer to participate)
Customer Benefits
Allows visitors (or potential customer) to have more precise answer to a question of use of a product by the users of this latter.
Credibility to the answer because customer to customer.